19 Apr, 2024 | 10 Shawwal, 1445 AH

Question #: 1621

June 20, 2016

Assalmualaikum I have given in anger Tallaq,Tallaq,Tallaq in one sitting to my wife during her two months of first pregnancy period.Later my parents did not supported me they said they will not marry me to any another girl. With that fear I took back her by thinking this triple tallaq might may Allah consider one time. But still my heart will not accept and I have fear if Allah will not accept. I have now two daughters. I keeping my wife with me since from past 8 years after giving talaq.Since from that time i am not happy.but now i feel get separated from her. 1.Can i get separated from her now? 2.By considering the 8 years back triple talaq, Can she marry other person now?

Answer #: 1621


 I have given in anger Tallaq,Tallaq,Tallaq in one sitting to my wife during her two months of first pregnancy period.Later my parents did not supported me they said they will not marry me to any another girl. With that fear I took back her by thinking this triple tallaq might may Allah consider one time. But still my heart will not accept and I have fear if Allah will not accept. I have now two daughters. I keeping my wife with me since from past 8 years after giving talaq. Since from that time i am not happy but now i feel get separated from her. 1. Can i get separated from her now? 2.By considering the 8 years back triple talaq, Can she marry other person now?


الجواب حامدا ومصلیا


As per the details mentioned in your question, Hurmat-e- Mugghaliza is proven when You have pronounced/given ‘Three Talaqs’ (3x words of divorce) .  Because of three Talaqs, your wife becomes Haram for you and there is no chance of reconciliation until and unless following happens. She ( your ex-wife) marries to another man after spending his complete period of ‘Iddat’ after your talaq and that second husband performs sexual intercourse with this lady as well.  Later this second husband gives divorce to this lady due to any reason or he gets died. After spending ‘Iddat’, she can marry You again while agreeing on New ‘Mehr’.

 In a prescribed situation, living togather by both of you (couple) is strictly prohibited. You are doing a haram Ammal while living togather and are doing Very serious Sin ( Gunnahe Kabeera). The sexual relationship which you have maintained with your ex-wife during these past eight years is considered as “Zina” from Sharia point of view and the child which got birth during this time period is unlawful. It is therefore mandatory for you both to get yourself separated from each other and do repentence in abundance (Astaghfar and Toba) from the core of your hearts. All those who have supported you for bringing your ex-wife back while knowing fully well about the happening of three Talaq ( Hurmat – e- Muggalaza) have also committed a very serious sin  and they must do Toba and Astaghfar also. They must now make efforts to facilitate you both to get separated at an earliest to compensate a bit after making this serious sin. After separation,  your wife can get marry to any man she desires.

It should also be notified with absolute clarity  that  three divorces issued simultaneously (in one sitting) will be effective and they will irrevocably sever the Nikah. This is the clear ruling established from the Qur'an and Hadith-e- Sahiha. Based on the Noble Qur'an and Hadith of Rasulullah (Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam),  Jamhoor Sahaba (Rizwanullah Alehim ajmaeen) and  the four most respected and distinguished imams/scholars  i.e. Imaam Abu Hanifa, Imaam Maalik, Imaam Shaaf'ee, and Imaam Ahmed bin Hanbal (Rahmatullaahi Alaihim)  all agree on this stance and hold the view that three Talaaqs occur even when they are issued simultaneously and  any opinion/ comment against this clear and unified stance cannot be relied/believed upon.

موطأ مالك - (ج 4 / ص 789)

حدثني يحيى عن مالك أنه بلغه أن رجلا قال لعبد الله بن عباس إني طلقت امرأتي مائة تطليقة فماذا ترى علي فقال له ابن عباس طلقت منك لثلاث وسبع وتسعون اتخذت بها آيات الله هزوا.

سنن البيهقي الكبرى - (ج 7 / ص 331)

 عن بن عباس : انه سئل عن رجل طلق امرأته مائة تطليقة قال عصيت ربك وبانت منك امرأتك لم تتق الله فيجعل لك مخرجا ثم قرأ يا أيها النبي إذا طلقتم النساء فطلقوهن في قبل عدتهن

صحيح البخاري (2 / 792):

 وقال الليث: حدثني نافع، قال: كان ابن عمر، إذا سئل عمن طلق ثلاثا، قال: «لو طلقت مرة أو مرتين، فإن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم أمرني بهذا، فإن طلقتها ثلاثا حرمت حتى تنكح زوجا غيرك»

مصنف ابن أبي شيبة (4 / 61):

عن أنس، قال: «كان عمر إذا أتي برجل قد طلق امرأته ثلاثا في مجلس أوجعه ضربا وفرق بينهما»

العناية شرح الهداية - (ج 5 / ص 166)

وطلاق البدعة أن يطلقها ثلاثا بكلمة واحدة أو ثلاثا في طهر واحد وهو حرام عندنا ، لكنه إذا فعل وقع الطلاق وبانت منه وحرمت حرمة غليظة وكان عاصيا .

 واللہ اعلم بالصواب

احقرمحمد ابوبکر صدیق  غفراللہ لہ

دارالافتاء ،معہد الفقیر الاسلامی، جھنگ


۳۰؍جولائی ؍۲۰۱۶ء